Tuesday, April 24, 2007

What is YOUR definition of success?

I was listening to a CD in the car on my way to work today by T. Harv Eker as he interviewed Bill Bartman.

One question Harv asked him was if he could pass on one word of wisdom to his kids or grandkids when on his death bed, what would it be.

He responded that he would pass on his definition of SUCCESS that he learned from Lou Holt:

  1. Something to do....
  2. Someone to love...
  3. and something to hope for
What do you think?

What's your definition of success?

Comments welcome.

Brad Pollina

Your Good News Merchant
Come learn how I am buying my life back.
(314) 485-4528

1 comment:

Lori Pollina said...

My definition of success is that I make enough passive income that allows my family and I to have our desired lifestyle without debt, to have my great gorgeous husband and beautiful children that I live so dearly, and to know that we will be completely financially free because we deserve to be and desire to be free financially.