Saturday, April 07, 2007

Think Long-Term

Are you a long-term or short-term thinker? Do you save and invest your money or spend all of it and live paycheck to paycheck?

Sadly, I am more the latter than the former, but I'm learning how to save and invest! How abotu you?

Rich people think-term: They balance their spending on enjoyment today with saving and investing for freedom tomorrow.
Poor people think short-term: They live based on immediate gratification.

- From T. Harv Ekert's Secrets of the Millionaire Mind Cards


For a beautiful e-card WITHOUT ads with a surprise, click here!

Brad Pollina
Your Good News Merchant
Come learn how I am buying my life back.
(314) 485-4528

Manage your Money

How well do you manage your money? I, unfortunately, am still learning! Let's see what T. Harv Eker has to say:

Until you can show that you can handle what you've got, you won't get any more.
The habit of managing your money is more important than the amount.

- from T. Harv Eker's Secrets of the Millionaire Mind cards.
Brad Pollina
Your Good News Merchant
Come learn how I am buying my life back.
(314) 485-4528

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Get Financially Educated

Take the time and energy to learn about money, business, and investments. Then choose an investment area to become an expert in, and begin investing in it.

-- From T. Harv Ekert's Secrets of the Millionaire Mind Cards

Brad Pollina
Your Good News Merchant
Come learn how I am buying my life back.
(314) 485-4528

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Get Paid For Results, NOT time!

Wealth Rule #1:

No Limits on Your Income. Rich people choose to get paid based on results; poor people choose to get paid based on time, which is limited. Rich people believe in their value and their ability to deliver it; poor people live in fear and need "guarantees".

- from T. Harv Ekert's Secrets of the Millionaire Mind Cards

Brad Pollina
Your Good News Merchant
Come learn how I am buying my life back.
(314) 485-4528

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Stretch Your Comfort Zone

Your "comfort zone" is in direct proportion to your "money zone."

Be willing to do what's uncomfortable. It's the only time you're growing

- From T. Harv Eker's Secrets of the Millionaire Mind cards.

Brad Pollina
Your Good News Merchant
Come learn how I am buying my life back.
(314) 485-4528

Monday, April 02, 2007

Commit to Being Rich!

Commit to Being Rich:

Commitment means "to devote oneself unreservedly".

One you commit to being rich, the universe will assist you, guide you, support you, and even create miracles for you".

From T. Harv Eker's Secrets of the Millionaire Mind Cards

Brad Pollina
Your Good News Merchant
Come learn how I am buying my life back.
(314) 485-4528

The Millionaire Mind Intensive!

My wife Lori and I just got back from T. Harv Eckert's Millionaire Mind Intensive this past weekend in Chicago, IL. All I can say is one word -- AWESOME!

Lori and I are changed people thanks to the conference. We learned how to meet our fears and preconceived notions about money and being rich and how to turn that around into something positive.

In fact, we are so generous, that we're offering you a F_R_E_E gift certificate to go to an MMI conference on us! Just click on this link and sign up!

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to post a comment here, email me or call me!

Brad Pollina
Your Good News Merchant
Come learn how I am buying my life back.
(314) 485-4528


I'm so sorry that I haven't posted in so long. My problem is writer's block!

I've decided to EXPAND my blog to include all things Brad Pollina as it relates to marketing myself and my products!

I've also decided to post DAILY if at all possible. I may not make it quite that often, but it is at least my goal.

Stay tuned!

Brad Pollina
Your Good News Merchant
Come learn how I am buying my life back.
(314) 485-4528